Internet Explorer 11 Rollback após a reinicialização durante a atualização KB2670838

Análise do problema

Na tentativa de instalação do Internet Explorer 11 no Windows 2008 R2 verificamos que a instalação estava revertendo; o mesmo comportamento foi observado quando o foi instalado o KB 2670838.


O problema foi resolvido após analisar o arquivo de log CBS.LOG, localizado na pasta windir%\logs\cbs\cbs.log. Por meio dessa análise, foi possível identificar a causa raiz do problema: um acesso negado durante a atualização.

Verificamos a ocorrência do erro 0xc0000022 com várias tentativas de acesso pelo instalador SPP [sppsvc ] com falha de acesso negado.

2015-10-14 14:58:30, Info CSI 00000072 Begin executing advanced installer phase 38 (0x00000026) index 234 (0x00000000000000ea) (sequence 273) Old component: [l:0]""
New component: [ml:308{154},l:306{153}]"Microsoft-Windows-MSMPEG2VDEC, Culture=neutral, Version=7.1.7601.16492, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35, ProcessorArchitecture=amd64, versionScope=NonSxS"
Install mode: install Installer ID: {1b265fd2-721c-4e59-ad55-9d102a5d1d7f}
Installer name: [12]"SppInstaller"2015-10-14 14:58:30, Info CSI 0000000f@2015/10/14:18:58:30.153[94]"SPP Installer: CProcessingContext::Initialize->SLOpen (attempt 0) completed with hr=0xc0000022"
2015-10-14 14:58:30, Info CBS Progress: UI message updated. Operation type: Update. Stage: 1 out of 1. Percent progress: 72.
2015-10-14 14:58:31, Info CSI 00000010@2015/10/14:18:58:31.245 [94]"SPP Installer: CProcessingContext::Initialize->SLOpen (attempt 1) completed with hr=0xc0000022"
2015-10-14 14:58:32, Info CSI 00000011@2015/10/14:18:58:32.322 [94]"SPP Installer: CProcessingContext::Initialize->SLOpen (attempt 2) completed with hr=0xc0000022"
2015-10-14 14:58:33, Info CSI 00000012@2015/10/14:18:58:33.414 [94]"SPP Installer: CProcessingContext::Initialize->SLOpen (attempt 3) completed with hr=0xc0000022"
2015-10-14 14:58:34, Info CSI 00000013@2015/10/14:18:58:34.490 [94]"SPP Installer: CProcessingContext::Initialize->SLOpen (attempt 4) completed with hr=0xc0000022"
2015-10-14 14:58:35, Info CSI 00000014@2015/10/14:18:58:35.567 [94]"SPP Installer: CProcessingContext::Initialize->SLOpen (attempt 5) completed with hr=0xc0000022"
2015-10-14 14:58:36, Info CSI 00000015@2015/10/14:18:58:36.643 [94]"SPP Installer: CProcessingContext::Initialize->SLOpen (attempt 6) completed with hr=0xc0000022"
2015-10-14 14:58:37, Info CSI 00000016@2015/10/14:18:58:37.719 [94]"SPP Installer: CProcessingContext::Initialize->SLOpen (attempt 7) completed with hr=0xc0000022"
2015-10-14 14:58:38, Info CSI 00000017@2015/10/14:18:58:38.796 [94]"SPP Installer: CProcessingContext::Initialize->SLOpen (attempt 8) completed with hr=0xc0000022"
2015-10-14 14:58:39, Info CSI 00000018@2015/10/14:18:58:39.872 [94]"SPP Installer: CProcessingContext::Initialize->SLOpen (attempt 9) completed with hr=0xc0000022"
2015-10-14 14:58:40, Info CSI 00000019@2015/10/14:18:58:40.886 [155]"SPP Installer: ProcessInstallOrUninstall (amd64_Microsoft-Windows-MSMPEG2VDEC_31bf3856ad364e35_7.1.7601.16492_neutral_b36d391) completed with hr=0xc0000022"
2015-10-14 14:58:40, Error CSI 0000001a@2015/10/14:18:58:40.886 (F) CMIADAPTER: Inner Error Message from AI HRESULT = c0000022 [Error,Facility=(0000),Code=34 (0x0022)] [(null)][gle=0x80004005]
2015-10-14 14:58:40, Error CSI 0000001b@2015/10/14:18:58:40.886 (F) CMIADAPTER: AI failed. HRESULT = c0000022 [Error,Facility=(0000),Code=34 (0x0022)] Element: [163]"<sppInstaller xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:spp:installer" xmlns:manv3="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3"

Here we see the rollback:
14:58:40, Error [0x01803c] CSI 00000076 (F) Failed execution of queue item Installer:SppInstaller({1b265fd2-721c-4e59-ad55-9d102a5d1d7f}) with HRESULT c0000022 [Error,Facility=(0000),Code=34 (0x0022)]. Failure will
not be ignored: A rollback will be initiated after all the operations in the installer queue are completed; installer is reliable (2)[gle=0x80004005]
14:58:40, Info CSI 00000077 End executing advanced installer (sequence 273)Completion status: HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_ADVANCED_INSTALLER_FAILED)
2015-10-14 14:58:43, Error CBS Startup: Failed to process advanced operation queue, startupPhase: 0.A rollback transaction will be created. [HRESULT = 0x80004005 - E_FAIL]

Detalhes da solução:
  • Se você estiver com esse problema, verifique se o serviço de proteção de Software (sppsvc) é iniciado e não está com algum problema.
  • Verifique as permissões e atributos nos arquivos 7B296FB0 * no diretório C:\Windows\System32. Por padrão de permissões: sistema: Controle Completo, Administradores: Controle Completo e usuários: (leitura e execução) e desmarque o atributo somente leitura


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