Unable to Load Hlink.dll

If you are having problem to view a PowerPoint file, preview is displayed the following error message: "unable to Load Hlink.dll"
"Hlink.dll Can't Be Loaded" or "PowerPoint Failed to Load Hlink.dll"
This solution can also be applied to the following errors:

"PowerPoint couldn't create a hyperlink with ^ 0."

"PowerPoint failed to Load Hlink.dll"
This error occurs when there is a problem in the file "C:\windows\system32\hlink.dll" and it is necessary to replace this file.


1. Open session with administrator privileges.
2. Copy the hlink.dl_ file from the Windows XP CD that is in the directory "i386\pt\" to "c:\windows\system32".
3. Open CMD and type the following commands:
3.1. "del hlink.dll"
3.2. "expand hlink.dl_ hlink.dll"
3.3. "regsvr32/s hlink.dll"
Comprehensive solution:

1. close all open files and all running programs.
2. click Start, point to Find and then click files or folders.
3. in the box With the name, type hlink.dll.
4. in the Search, make sure that drive C is selected, and then click find now.
5. If you find the Hlink.dll file, right-click the file, and then click Rename.
6. Change file name "Hlink.dll" to "Hlink.old".
7. Insert the Microsoft Office XP CD in the CD-ROM drive or DVD-ROM drive.
8. click Start and then click Run.
9. in the Rundialog box, type the following command line where drive is the drive letter of your CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive:
extract drive: IENT_1.cab/L \IE5\PT\IENT_S1.cab c:\windows\desktop andClick OK.
10. click Start and then click Run.
11. To extract the Hlink.dll file, in the Rundialog box, type the following command line:
extract c:\ \desktop\IENT_1.cab hlink.dll/Lwindowswindows\system32 c:\ Click OK.
12. click Start and then click Run.
13. to register the Hlink.dll file manually on the 32-bit operating system, in the Rundialog box, type the following command line:
c:\windows/s \system32\regsvr32windows\system32\hlink.dll c:\
Click on OK.

Source: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/813726


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