Navigate safely and Tranquility!
Clear Forms in Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer
Browsers (programs that allow Web surfing-browsers) stores most of the
information entered on the forms from the internet, (e.g. name, SOCIAL
SECURITY NUMBER, and ACCOUNT when you access a database site ...). Most of the time this feature is quite handy; not having to reenter all that data, but it is a breach of security and privacy if your computer is unattended.
So clean constantly this data from the memory of your browser.
We'll show you how to perform this procedure in browsers Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer and save your security and privacy.
See example of how clear this data in browsers mentioned above:
Clear Forms in Mozilla Firefox
1. In Firefox, press the keys "Ctrl + Shift + Del";
2. You can click on "Details", choose other fields and then click on "clear now".
Clear Forms in Chrome
1. In Chrome, press "Ctrl + Shift + Del";
2. You can choose the period in "Eliminating the following from:" and then click "clear browsing data"
Clear Forms in Internet Explorer
1. In Internet Explorer, press the keys "Ctrl + Shift + Del";
2. check the box "form data" and then click "delete."
Are with small attitudes that you will have a safe surfing!
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